Thursday, July 30, 2015

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āĻ•াāĻŽāĻ°ুāĻ˛ āĻšাāĻ¸াāĻ¨
āĻ…āĻ§্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻ•, āĻĸাāĻ•া āĻŦিāĻļ্āĻŦāĻŦিāĻĻ্āĻ¯াāĻ˛ā§Ÿ।

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

On university teachers’ demand for a separate pay-scale

Mohit Ul Alam

On university teachers’ demand for a separate pay-scale
The proposed 8th national pay-scale has created a furore among the public university teachers as they deem that the suggested salary structure has neither protected their pay benefits nor defined their status. The University Teachers’ Associations Federation, representing the teachers associations of 37 public universities, has raised this issue with several wings of the government and pointed out that the recommendations of the Pay and Service Commission 2013 have been modified by the Secretary Committee in which it appears that the position of the university teachers recognised in the 7th national pay-scale has been downgraded by two steps in the 8th pay-scale, thus hurting the sentiment of the teachers.
The Vice-Chancellors’ Association, known in Bangla as Vishwabidyalay Parishad, has also responded to the grievances of the teachers and in a meeting with the honourable Education Minister on 8 July the Association members voiced their support for the logical demands of the university teachers. While speaking on behalf of the university teachers, the Vice Chancellors, all of whom are basically university teachers too, observed with great anxiety that when the present Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the Honourable Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, are both widely known for their interest in the growth and flourishing of the higher studies across the country, this kind of constraining and prestige demeaning pay-structure cannot have been approved by them, and so they speculated that a section of the influential bureaucrats might have played a black hand in approving a pay-scale inimical to the university teachers. So they smelled a conspiracy somewhere that would not only harm the university teachers but would also tarnish the image of the government, which by all evidence is a pro-education government.
As the discontentment over the pay-scale issue is increasing and programmes such as protest processions, forming human-chains and symbolic abstention from classes by teachers manifest it, some comparative reports show that in the subcontinent all other countries have either a separate pay-scale for university teachers or, if not, an enhanced grade of salary with other tangible benefits. In Sri Lanka, there exists a separate pay-scale for university teachers, and a lecturer begins his career at the university with a monthly basic salary of Rupees 39,754 and highest Rupees 48,445. For a senior professor the monthly salary range is between Rs. 67,100 lowest and Rs. 87,775 highest. In addition, they get extra incentives every month in the form of lifestyle expenses, Rs. 7,800, and for all teachers there is allocation for 80 to 90 percent of the basic salary as academic incentives. In addition, they also receive research allowance, 35%, and special allowance, 20%, of the basic salary. Pakistan also maintains a separate pay-scale phenomenally high, where a university assistant teacher gets monthly lowest Rs. 1,04,000 and highest Rs. 2,11,250, and a professor’s monthly salary ranges from lowest Rs. 2,34,000 to highest Rs. 4,05,600. In India, there doesn’t exist a separate pay-scale for university teachers, but after joining the university each teacher gets a number of allowances in addition to their basic salary and other fringe benefits. India runs a highly research-oriented national educational programme, and, therefore, immediately after joining the university, a university teacher receives a onetime grant for research ranging from Rs. Two lakh lowest to Rs. Five lakh highest.
The above comparative statistics provides an opportunity to realise how importantly is the higher education recognised by our neighbouring countries, and this is all the more reason that we pay heed to the demand for a separate pay-scale by the university teachers.
The present scandalised status offered in the proposed 8th national pay-scale shouldn’t be seen as done by some whimsical sleight of hand, but rather the formation of such a negative attitude towards university teachers has been the result of a long-grown pathetic scenario in this sector. Historical data will support this view that since long university education has been politicised along the party-line politics, which is different from politicising higher education along the ideological line, say, for example, the spirit of the Liberation War. Ideally, politics is a matter of ideology, which should impact an institution beyond the physical individual identity of the people who carry that ideology. But in reality that higher ideal is compromised by a distorted vision that an ideology is identifiable with the physical entity of the individual, in this case in the persona of the individual teacher.
Thus the abstract and intangible dimension of the ideology is wrongly deemed as expressible in the tangible form of an individual teacher. Thus in pursuit of spreading an ideology, university authorities, being also influenced by external political pressure, have recruited not teachers but party-political agents, and that in a large way by recruiting inferior applicants sacrificing the brighter ones. In some cases, nepotism and shady dealings have also resulted in inferior recruitment. In short, merit has been sacrificed to biased allegiances.
Now the compromise with merit can be digestible in other job sectors, perhaps, but never ever in higher education, where an inferior person recruited as a university teacher may cause harm to the institution for nearly as many as four decades. Teaching is an intellectual profession, and so its impact is both invisible and far reaching, but, which, unfortunately, is not always sensed by a university authority keen on recruiting a party political agent with inferior academic records rather than a suitable candidate fit to teach at the university level.
This practice being followed for decades together has created a negative impression about the quality of the university teachers in the greater society, where in numerous social transactions everybody, whoever he may be, comes to be tested for his real worth. Thus in numerous public forums university teachers have been seen to be less qualified than their official tags demanded. University professors have become cheaper by the dozen. Most of them become professors without any significant research publication in their chosen fields. The negative image has created a negative impact on the body of the people who fix the pay-structure of the nation. So university teachers have fallen into a vicious cycle. Compromised recruiting system, coupled with poor pay structure, has failed to allure the more brilliant students to university teaching, and being poorer for that other competing agencies, say the bureaucracy, have grown a false notion that a university teacher’s job is tantamount to ordinary office time keeping from 9 to 5.
This is where the pain resides, the failure by the competent bodies to realise the significance and relevance of higher education in a growing society that Bangladesh is. The failure also includes an incorrect (rather perverted) view that a nation can grow without higher education. Otherwise, why would the university teachers, the carriers of higher education, be falling into such ignoble fold?
If a separate pay-scale for the university teachers is not feasible at the moment, I suggest that they are paid a number of increments with their basic pay at the time of joining in any rung. Maybe, a lecturer should be given five increments, followed by an assistant professor to be paid six increments, an associate professor seven, a professor eight, and a vice-chancellor nine increments. Correspondingly, with their basic pay fixation, other allowances would be given on a percentage basis. Let’s see. . . .

The writer is Vice-Chancellor, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University


Monday, July 27, 2015

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āĻāĻŦাāĻĻুāĻ° āĻ°āĻšāĻŽাāĻ¨

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Published in:

āĻ†āĻ°ো āĻĒā§œুāĻ¨:
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Kamrul Hassan

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Friday, July 24, 2015

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

āĻ¸ংāĻ•āĻŸাāĻĒāĻ¨্āĻ¨ āĻļিāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻ–াāĻ¤

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Published in:

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Published in:

Saturday, July 18, 2015

President Obama praises South Korea for paying teachers as much as doctors

President Obama has praised South Korea’s policy of paying its teachers as much as doctors.
The US President was speaking at a High School in Oklahoma as he launched a new programme aimed at giving low-incomehouseholds broadband internet.
At the project launch at Durant High School he said: “Obviously, as President you travel around a lot, and you go to countries like South Korea where a higher percentage of the population has high-speed broadband- and, by the way, they pay their teachers the way they pay their doctors, and they consider education to be at the highest rung of the professions.
“Well, we will start falling behind those countries- which is unthinkable when we invented the stuff.”
It is not the first time that Obama has praised the nation's education system. In 2010, the politician also praised the length of the academic year in South Korea, compared to the US. He said: “We can no longer afford an academic calendar designed when America was a nation of farmers who needed their children at home plowing the land at the end of each day.
“That calendar might have once made sense, but today, it puts us at a competitive disadvantage. Our children spend over a month less in school than children in South Korea. That is no way to prepare them for a 21st-century economy.”
According to the education monitoring body ICEF: “South Korean students consistently rank at the top of the Programme for International Student Assessment survey results in reading, mathematics and science. South Korea is also one of the highest educated nations in the world.”
In addition to well funded state schools, Hagwons, or ‘cram schools’, are popular in South Korea as extra tuition for pupils outside of school hours on top of the taught curriculum.
Parents also spend around 22% of their household income on education and educational services in a bid to boost their children’s learning. It is one of highest proportions of household spend on education amongst developed nations.
The South Korean government recently imposed a 10pm curfew on ‘cramming schools’ amid concerns that some children were being made to study for too long each day. However, despite this campaigners worry that children are still being made to study in online ‘hagwons’ or that tutors are brought into children’s homes for the evening lessons instead.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics discovered

Morgan Kelly
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered an elusive massless particle theorized 85 years ago. The particle could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of its unusual ability to behave as
matter and antimatter inside a crystal, according to new research.
The researchers report in the journal Science July 16 the first observation of Weyl fermions, which, if applied to next-generation electronics, could allow for a nearly free and efficient flow of electricity in electronics, and thus greater power, especially for computers, the researchers suggest.
Proposed by the mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl in 1929, Weyl fermions have been long sought by scientists because they have been regarded as possible building blocks of other subatomic particles, and are even more basic than the ubiquitous, negative-charge carrying electron (when electrons are moving inside a crystal). Their basic nature means that Weyl fermions could provide a much more stable and efficient transport of particles than electrons, which are the principle particle behind modern electronics. Unlike electrons, Weyl fermions are massless and possess a high degree of mobility; the particle's spin is both in the same direction as its motion — which is known as being right-handed — and in the opposite direction in which it moves, or left-handed.
"The physics of the Weyl fermion are so strange, there could be many things that arise from this particle that we're just not capable of imagining now," said corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team.
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered Weyl fermions, elusive massless particles theorized 85 years ago that could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of their unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal. The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including (from left to right) graduate students Ilya Belopolski and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team; and associate research scholar Hao Zheng. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)
The researchers' find differs from the other particle discoveries in that the Weyl fermion can be reproduced and potentially applied, Hasan said. Typically, particles such as the famous Higgs boson are detected in the fleeting aftermath of particle collisions, he said. The Weyl fermion, however, was discovered inside a synthetic metallic crystal called tantalum arsenide that the Princeton researchers designed in collaboration with researchers at the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter in Beijing and at National Taiwan University.
The Weyl fermion possesses two characteristics that could make its discovery a boon for future electronics, including the development of the highly prized field of efficient quantum computing, Hasan explained.
For a physicist, the Weyl fermions are most notable for behaving like a composite of monopole- and antimonopole-like particles when inside a crystal, Hasan said. This means that Weyl particles that have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another with a high degree of mobility.
A detector image (top) signals the existence of Weyl fermions. The plus and minus signs note whether the particle's spin is in the same direction as its motion — which is known as being right-handed — or in the opposite direction in which it moves, or left-handed. This dual ability allows Weyl fermions to have high mobility. A schematic (bottom) shows how Weyl fermions also can behave like monopole and antimonopole particles when inside a crystal, meaning that they have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another, which also allows for a high degree of mobility. (Image by Su-Yang Xu and M. Zahid Hasan, Princeton Department of Physics)
The researchers also found that Weyl fermions can be used to create massless electrons that move very quickly with no backscattering, wherein electrons are lost when they collide with an obstruction. In electronics, backscattering hinders efficiency and generates heat. Weyl electrons simply move through and around roadblocks, Hasan said.
"It's like they have their own GPS and steer themselves without scattering," Hasan said. "They will move and move only in one direction since they are either right-handed or left-handed and never come to an end because they just tunnel through. These are very fast electrons that behave like unidirectional light beams and can be used for new types of quantum computing."
Prior to the Science paper, Hasan and his co-authors published a report in the journal Nature Communications in June that theorized that Weyl fermions could exist in a tantalum arsenide crystal. Guided by that paper, the researchers used the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter and Spectroscopy in Princeton's Jadwin Hall to research and simulate dozens of crystal structures before seizing upon the asymmetrical tantalum arsenide crystal, which has a differently shaped top and bottom.
The crystals were then loaded into a two-story device known as a scanning tunneling spectromicroscope that is cooled to near absolute zero and suspended from the ceiling to prevent even atom-sized vibrations. The spectromicroscope determined if the crystal matched the theoretical specifications for hosting a Weyl fermion. "It told us if the crystal was the house of the particle," Hasan said.
The Princeton team took the crystals passing the spectromicroscope test to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California to be tested with high-energy accelerator-based photon beams. Once fired through the crystal, the beams' shape, size and direction indicated the presence of the long-elusive Weyl fermion.
First author Su-Yang Xu, a postdoctoral research associate in Princeton's Department of Physics, said that the work was unique for encompassing theory and experimentalism.
"The nature of this research and how it emerged is really different and more exciting than most of other work we have done before," Xu said. "Usually, theorists tell us that some compound might show some new or interesting properties, then we as experimentalists grow that sample and perform experiments to test the prediction. In this case, we came up with the theoretical prediction ourselves and then performed the experiments. This makes the final success even more exciting and satisfying than before."
In pursuing the elusive particle, the researchers had to pull from a number of disciplines, as well as just have faith in their quest and scientific instincts, Xu said.
"Solving this problem involved physics theory, chemistry, material science and, most importantly, intuition," he said. "This work really shows why research is so fascinating, because it involved both rational, logical thinking, and also sparks and inspiration."
Weyl, who worked at the Institute for Advanced Study, suggested his fermion as an alternative to the theory of relativity proposed by his colleague Albert Einstein. Although that application never panned out, the characteristics of his theoretical particle intrigued physicists for nearly a century, Hasan said. Actually observing the particle was a trying process — one ambitious experiment proposed colliding high-energy neutrinos to test if the Weyl fermion was produced in the aftermath, he said.
Hasan (pictured) and his research group researched and simulated dozens of crystal structures before finding the one suitable for holding Weyl fermions. Once fashioned, the crystals were loaded into this two-story device known as a scanning tunneling spectromicroscope to ensure that they matched theoretical specifications. Located in the Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter and Spectroscopy in Princeton's Jadwin Hall, the spectromicroscope is cooled to near absolute zero and suspended from the ceiling to prevent even atom-sized vibrations. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)
The hunt for the Weyl fermion began in the earliest days of quantum theory when physicists first realized that their equations implied the existence of antimatter counterparts to commonly known particles such as electrons, Hasan said.
"People figured that although Weyl's theory was not applicable to relativity or neutrinos, it is the most basic form of fermion and had all other kinds of weird and beautiful properties that could be useful," he said.
"After more than 80 years, we found that this fermion was already there, waiting. It is the most basic building block of all electrons," he said. "It is exciting that we could finally make it come out following Weyl's 1929 theoretical recipe."
Ashvin Vishwanath, a professor of physics at the University of California-Berkeley who was not involved in the study, commented: "Professor Hasan's experiments report the observation of both the unusual properties in the bulk of the crystal as well as the exotic surface states that were theoretically predicted. While it is early to say what practical implications this discovery might have, it is worth noting that Weyl materials are direct 3-D electronic analogs of graphene, which is being seriously studied for potential applications."
The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including graduate students Ilya Belopolski, Nasser Alidoust and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; associate research scholar Hao Zheng; and Madhab Neupane, a Princeton postdoctoral research associate now at the Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Class of 2015 undergraduate Pavel Shibayev.
Other co-authors were Chenglong Zhang, Zhujun Yuan and Shuang Jia from Peking University; Raman Sankar and Fangcheng Chou from National Taiwan University; Guoqing Chang, Chi-Cheng Lee, Shin-Ming Huang, BaoKai Wang and Hsin Lin from the National University of Singapore; Jie Ma from Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and Arun Bansil from Northeastern University. Wang is also affiliated with Northeastern University, and Jia is affiliated with the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter in Beijing.

The paper, "Discovery of Weyl fermions and topological Fermi arcs," was published online by Science on July 16. The work was supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundations Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems (EPiQS) Initiative (grant no. GBMF4547); the Singapore National Research Foundation (grant no. NRF-NRFF2013-03); the National Basic Research Program of China(grant nos. 2013CB921901 and 2014CB239302); the U.S. Department of Energy (grant no. DE-FG-02-05ER462000); and the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (project no. 102-2119-M- 002-004).

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The dignity of the varsity dons in Bangladesh

Dr Rashid Askari

The distinguished Bengali author, Syed Mujtaba Ali wrote a short story named 'Padotika' (Footnote) where he painted a gloomy picture of how the teachers were living under most appalling conditions in British India. The abolition of the Toll and Maktab systems of education prevalent among the Hindus and the Muslims on the Subcontinent gave birth to East India Company's schools where the Bengali and Sanskrit knowing pundits were used to getting salaries lesser than that of a chaprasi (A junior office w
orker who carries messages). Mujtaba Ali's story features such a pundit whose monthly salary amounted to 25 taka in all by which he had to rear a family of eight members. On an occasion of the laat sahib's visit to the school, the pundit, humorously and poignantly gave an account of his meagre income by comparing it to the amount of money worth 75 taka that would have been spent monthly on the rearing of the laat sahib's three-footed pet dog. The aggrieved pundit showed by an arithmetical calculation that his salary, which he would spend on his Brahmin wife, the old mother, the three marriageable daughters, the widowed aunt, the maidservant and himself, was three times less than the amount spent on the three-footed dog and equal to that spent merely on its one foot.
I am feeling tempted to cite another example of salary discrimination in British India. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, on his return from London with BSC degree in 1885, joined the Calcutta Presidency College as a professor of physics. The salary of the Indian professors was then worth two third of that of the English professors. Since Bose had been serving on a temporary basis, his salary was only one third. However, in protest of this discrimination, he continued serving three years without any salary, and finally compelled the British government to make his job permanent and pay off all his dues. 
The British has quitted India. The Pakistanis too were compelled to quit. But the legacy of undermining the position of the teachers is still nagging at us. The whole nation, to its utter shock, witnessed how an assistant professor of a public college in Pirojpur was put over an assistant commissioner's knee for the former's alleged insubordination (9 April 2015). It was the teacher's fault that he had the impertinence to ask the magistrate, the Justice of the peace, his identity. The teacher is, however, senior to the magistrate by age and length of service. But nothing could save the poor teacher's dignity from the wrath of our bureaucratic gods who are always arrogant and high-handed in their dealings with people. The poor professor had to save his job by knelling in supplication.
The overbearing bureaucrats' arrogance knew no limits when the freedom fighter Ayub Khan, former commander of Satkania unit of Chittagong, committed suicide in a residential hotel in the capital after being insulted by the secretary of the Liberation War Affairs Ministry (7 July 2015). The deceased's handwritten suicide note may well authenticate the fact. What can be the bigger cost of the dignity of a freedom fighter?
We know for sure that nothing will happen to these mighty agents of bureaucracy held responsible for this couple of deliberate cruelties inflicted on the innocent people. They are the pampered children of the government. They grease the wheels of the state de facto. So, when it comes to bringing them to justice, the whole system would leap to their defence and justice would cry in the wilderness. They preserve every right to get preferential treatment from the state itself. They are the makers of things and hence the main beneficiaries of them. 
The proposed eighth pay scale is a shining example of strong bias towards the bureaucrats and against the varsity teachers. It has deprived the teachers to the nth degree. Even the status given to them in the 7th Pay Scale was way far better. The present scale has heavily downgraded the teachers' dignity because of the senior professors' exclusion from the secretarial grade. If remains unaltered, it is going to take heavy tolls on the varsity teachers in general. 
An independent pay structure for the public university teachers has been a long-standing demand in Bangladesh. The National Education Policy 2010 had recommended a separate pay scale for the teachers. The University Grants Commission, too, has recommended a 'lucrative salary structure' and other fringe benefits to attract outstanding students to teaching profession. The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers' Association (FBUTA) has long been pressing the government to increase the salary of university teachers at least to the level of that of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The education minister, Nurul Islam Nahid always seems to be taking a pro-teacher stance in regard to their salary and status. He has brought the issue to the notice of the president and prime minister and sent DO letters to all concerned including Cabinet secretary and public administration secretary. 
But there seems to be no clear light yet at the end of the tunnel. The 8th pay scale has been ready and waiting for implementation paying no heed to the university teachers' silent cry. The poor teachers are trying, by way of polite and non-violent campaign, to give fresh momentum to their just demand. They are looking forward to falling back on the Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina. Only she can bring hopes that the crisis can be resolved without resort to the unexpected. It calls for her intervention to restore the dignity of the varsity teachers. On numerous occasions, she has expressed her concern over them. Her father, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the leading promoter of our higher education and performed yeoman service for upholding the dignity of the public university teachers by introducing the 1973 Acts at all the universities during his tenure. His worthy successor, our present premier, Sheikh Hasina too has done a lot for the teaching community in general. It is she, who has extended the age of the university teachers' superannuation to 65. Her government has made a major breakthrough in all tires of education-from primary to tertiary. The free distribution of textbooks to more than 30 million schoolchildren on the first day the school year for the last several years has been unprecedented in the history of Bangladesh. Her government has remarkably increased the growth of literacy by creating fresh institutions and incentives. It has introduced, through UGC, the globally acclaimed Self-Assessment and Quality Assurance system to our public and private universities to make them centres of excellence and prepare them for international accreditation. This is going to be a big challenge for the government and mostly hinges on the restoring the university teachers' status, protecting their salary and, above all, saving them from bureaucratic domination. 
We keep our fingers crossed. We hope against hope that good sense must prevail upon hegemonic control. Our university teachers made supreme sacrifice for the creation of today's Bangladesh. Most of the martyred intellectuals of 1971 were erstwhile varsity dons. If properly taken care of, they now can greatly contribute to the making of the much coveted secular democratic Bangladesh free from militancy and fanaticism, and thereby can help her reach the Visions 2021 and 2041!r 
Dr Rashid Askari writes fiction and column, and teaches English literature at Kushtia Islamic University, Bangladesh. Email:


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

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